Casinos often sit in areas prone to extreme weather conditions. From frequent snowstorms to scorching summer temperatures, these climate conditions can have an enormous impact on visitation trends and have an immediate effect on casino revenues.
The 2019-nCoV outbreak could have short-term cash flow effects on casinos; however, its long-term effects are less certain.
Casinos have the potential to have an adverse environmental impact when located near residential areas. Their construction can erode soil resources and be considered “eyesores” by local residents. Furthermore, their energy requirements make them costly to operate while becoming magnets for problem gamblers who might seek shelter there due to its closeness.
Casinos are also susceptible to flooding and other weather emergencies, particularly those located along riversides that experience high water levels. Flood events can be devastating and cause massive financial losses for casinos; therefore, business interruption insurance should be carried by casinos in order to cover losses due to being forced closed for extended periods and quickly restore customer bases.
Hot Weather
Summer weather often results in reduced casino visitation as individuals opt for beach trips and other outdoor activities over gambling, however this season presents casinos with the perfect opportunity to offer special summer promotions and events.
Gaming analysts in Las Vegas believe recent heat waves, which broke two temperature records, will negatively impact visitor numbers significantly. Rising utility costs could reduce discretionary income of local residents as well as those traveling from neighboring states.
Long stretches of extreme heat could dissuade tourists, particularly from cooler climates. Casino managers point out that each person’s tolerance to high temperatures varies based on factors like humidity and wind speed; as a way of providing relief during summer days casinos offer indoor concerts or special events as well as special “rainy day deals”.
Cold Weather
Casinos typically maintain cool temperatures to reduce fatigue and keep people alert during long gaming sessions, as well as to mask unpleasant aromas like tobacco smoke that might displease some guests.
As much as cold temperatures can pose serious health concerns, such as hypothermia (shivering) or frostbite, they can still provide an enjoyable winter experience if one is adequately prepared and enjoys winter attractions. To protect themselves against such temperatures it is advisable to dress in layers. If cold temperatures cause discomfort it would be prudent to bring along extra clothing layers.
Cold weather usually begins around late November/early December and lasts through late February or early March, known as “thermological winter.” Roanoke experiences positive and nearly linear relationships between air temperature or apparent temperature over lags of one week and emergency department visits; humidity tends to have less influence, though both factors still have significant bearing on visitation rates.